Project Details
In September 2016, FICO kicked off the Women @ FICO Logo Design Challenge and it was open to all employees. Women@FICO wanted a logo design that calls to mind celebrating and empowering the women of FICO. If chosen by all FICO employees' popular vote, the winner logo design would become the official W@F logo, and be featured on all W@F activities and publications.
I wanted to create a logo that celebrates and empowers the women of FICO by showcasing women's resilience, flexibility, strength, creativity and diversity.
I used the FICO® Score donut colors to represent FICO® brand and the diversity of FICO's company culture. W is short for women. The organic shape conveys the resilience and flexibility of women. The W gradient color combination represents women from various culture and backgrounds. The bright and inviting colors celebrate and empower the women of FICO.
My logo won first place in the Women@FICO logo design contest. It has become the official Women@FICO logo and is featured on all W@F activities and publications. FICO distributed the Women@FICO logo on t-shirts, pins, pens, post-it and tote bags.